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Liebe Mitglieder der Österreichisch-Koreanischen Gesellschaft,

Liebe Freunde Österreichs,

wir veranstalten jeden 1. Freitag im Monat einen Stammtisch zur Zeit findet dieser in der Pizzeria BRERA in Beotigogae (버티고개) statt.


295 Dongho-ro 17-gil, Sindang-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul

서울특별시 중구 신당동 동호로17길 295

Beginn: 19:00 Uhr

Bitte um Reservierung unter 010 5380 5744

Wolfgang Slawinski bei freier Teilnahme.


Wir freuen uns auf zahlreiches Erscheinen.


Das Team der Österreichischen-Koreanischen Gesellschaft


The Austrian Korean Society is a member of the Austrian World Association in Austria. It was founded based on the idea of building a bridge between Central Europe and the Republic of Korea. The Austrian Korean Society welcomes companies, organizations and individuals, which have relations to or interests in the Republic of Korea and/or the Republic of Austria and European states to become members of the Society.

Furthermore the Austrian Korean Society organizes events such as networking events, historic tours as well concert visits and assists with apartment search, relocation, import / tax issues, Visa, etc.


본 오스트리아 대한민국 연합회는 중앙유럽과 대한민국을 연결하는 다리 역할을 하기위하여 설립되었으며, 법인, 단체, 개인 등 본 협회의 구성원이 되실 분들을 환영합니다. 오스트리아 대한민국 연합회에서 진행하고 있는 주요 행사들로는 네트워킹 모임, 역사 투어, 콘서트 관람 등이 있습니다.

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